Menu of the month

Cabane d'à Côté's Picnics in the orchard

89.00 with reservation
$ 94.00 without reservation
For 2 people

Cold tomato soup - Basil oil - Jardinière du verger

Pea salad - Candied mushrooms - Gadelles and morello cherries

M. Bertrand's Sucrine - White ham - Sweet pepper sauce - Cheese mayonnaise

Spicy Ketchup Chips - Spinach Dip

Homemade sourdough focaccia - Marinated anchovies - Roasted peppers - Avonlea

Beans - Baby potatoes - Gribiche sauce

Cochon chop - M Bertrand's harvest salad - Buttermilk vinaigrette

Layered cake with haskap berries and raspberries


Oysters (6) - $23

Shrimp roll - $20

Fresh homemade burrata - $32

Duck confit - $40

Grilled fish - $60

Dulce de leche cookies (2) - $7


The seasonal menu served in the picnic boxes is inspired by the harvests of our land and neighboring producers in the region. It aims to be simple while maintaining an eye for detail. The terroir remains essential and the local cuisine takes on its meaning more than ever, which is why all the products will come from Quebec agriculture. The menu will be constantly evolving and will be modified and adapted during the season. Thus, each month, a new menu inspired by this evolution of the season will be offered to you.

We hope you will have fun eating it.

Enjoy your meal!

- The Cabane d'à côté team

*Menu may change